The PPP module has always been a module that is really interesting for me look back on as a designer, to reflect on the person I was and who I am becoming. My goals, achievements and dreams have all been documented in this module and is really beneficial in allowing me to see where I want to be.
The final year of PPP has been very directed and more refined in who I am visiting, researching and looking at in regards to music and art direction. With this direction it has enabled me to achieve some of the biggest goals I never thought I could!
This module has enabled me to think beyond designing in the studio and behind the screen and has encouraged me to get involved with the design world, go to events, network with people and inform my practice.
Positives Throughout The Module
One of the biggest positives in this module was visiting Barcelona in Spain, I think that I really wanted to push myself in experienced a new design culture and was an ambition of mine to visit in my second year. I opted out of doing another placement, for visits, due to already completing a placement over the summer which I consciously decided to do, because I knew there was going to be a large volume of work to do in my final year. With the freedom of third year I was able to achieve this and meet a amazing designer Oscar Germade who runs Solo studio, who's work I am really influenced by. In doing this I have now made an international contact who I am still in contact with to this day and was really a great opportunity!
Another positive was getting an interview and coming second place to a placement at MTV, never in a million years I thought I could achieve something like this so soon, and with this module and all the workshops within this module gave me the knowledge and confidence to apply for this position and was a big success. The invaluable skills I have learnt about presenting my work really came into play at this stage and although it's been something i've not generally felt most confident about, it really did pay off in the end.
Difficulties faced throughout the module
Difficulties I have faced throughout this module would be my personal branding, I think creating a name for myself that wasn't my real name would have been a bit weird, but non the less I am really happy with the outcome and I justified this through my connections in the fashion industry. I always find personal branding hard because I can't define myself! I feel that I have so many interests that it's heard to create a visual image that represents that.
However through focusing on fashion and music I think I came over this difficulty and created something that I will be using for a long time.
Skills I have developed throughout the module
The skills I have developed are methods of communication, I have contacted people via email, visits, phone calls and social media! I think I have utilised a lot of methods of contact and have proven to be successful through this module.
Skills I have developed throughout the module
The skills I have developed are methods of communication, I have contacted people via email, visits, phone calls and social media! I think I have utilised a lot of methods of contact and have proven to be successful through this module.
I have learned to be more confident in showcasing my work and talking about it, this is something that I NEVER did in my first and second year and with putting my work out on behance I have gained some recognition and felt a lot more pleased about getting feedback from people all around the world and again building a network.
What I would do differently next time
What I would do differently next time
What I would do differently next time, would to possibly spend more time on experimenting with stock and colour choices for my personal branding I felt that was something that I will change later on.
Aside from that I feel I have really engaged with this module in all aspects and really pushed myself to become aware of the industry and gained a lot of lessons and things to improve upon through visits, interviews and so much more.
PPP will be forever ingrained in my practice and is an invaluable module in allowing me to see and learn more about graphic design and the culture.