Wednesday, 30 January 2013


What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

In this module I have gained a better understanding in identifying my visual investigations and research appropriately to the brief. This allowed me to create more idea's and develop my designs stronger prior to the previous module  I have been introduced into many ways of researching and problem solving through various studio sessions and briefs which has been very useful. I have also gained knowledge on how to use In Design and Photoshop that I previously didn't know. The skills introduced allowed me to create some nice postcards and preparation for the new module in February. I enjoyed this module as I found out more about my topics than I have previously and this in-depth research opened doors for more techniques and ideas.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

This module my work has been focused on digital skills such as, editing, stacking images editing with tints and blending tools on Photoshop. Working with Illustrator creating nets, kerning text and experimentation with colours and textures. I was also introduced to InDesign where we made a mock up publication which is something I am really interested in and want to explore further.

Due to the module focusing on research I had to go down 3 routes in order to fufil the briefs. Firstly I carried out primary research, creating questionnaires, online surveys and watching documentaries. After finding more about the subject matter I would follow onto Secondary research, which consisted of looking at online resources and reading books to find out what I need to find the direction I wanted. Lastly I would find a focus from all my research 'Design direction' and with that I would produce developmental drawings and mood boards that I could refer to when working digitally.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

My strengths lie within how I approach set briefs and I think I always utilise them in really different and interesting ways. I also think my research a development has increased much more than the previous module and I will continue to apply these skills to a higher standard. 

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I think I need to keep a more consistent application of my skills at a high level to help improve my work, weather it be through more visual developments or really focusing on the tasks the brief requires. I think I could have found more ways to find primary research as I think just doing surveys doesn't give a lot of other options than photographs and visits to museums would.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. Experiment more with different methods of design rather than digital. This would allow me to have different outcomes that I could work with such as mock ups, printing methods and stock consideration.
  2. Try to focus on what the brief is telling you to do, I think if I focused on the message that I am trying to send rather than just the design would strengthen the meaning of my work for myself and the audience I am trying to engage.
  3. Explore more ways and methods of collecting primary research will allow me to find more routes to go down.
  4. Document all the development processes of my design thoroughly with analysis so if I wanted to recreate certain things for another brief I would have guidelines to reffer back to.
  5. Ask for more help and opinions from peers. I am very comfortable working from home as I find the studio distracting but if I worked around all the other graphic design students my designs could be more stronger due to the knowledge they know and their influence.
How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

  • Attendance: 5
  • Punctuality: 5
  • Motivation: 4
  • Commitment: 4
  • Quantity of work produced: 4
  • Quality of work produced: 3
  • Contribution to the group: 2

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