Tuesday, 10 February 2015



The Peter & Paul white wall brief was a brief I really was interested in from the start but due to the deadline being near the COP 3 hand in I initially couldn't take on the brief. However the deadline was pushed back I decided to take it on as a collaboration with Sam Cook. This brief was a quick turn around brief, were decisions had to be made quickly and although it was a mini brief I really enjoyed working to a close deadline and seeing what could be achieve in just under 48 hrs.

What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I think my skills are still prominent in typography layout and art direction and I applied these skills through the arrangement of typography and also with Sam creating other 3D / Physical elements to our presentation and thinking beyond just a digital presentation.

What approaches / methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

A design production method I have developed in this brief is the use of stock! Throughout my time on this course I have never used neon materials and using them for the first time was really interesting to see how light and arrangement can enhance a design and this case I felt we pushed the way typography could be viewed in a crafted way.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The strengths within this brief was working together with Sam, we both were motivated to get the work done to best possible standard and both shared the same enthusiasm for the project.

Another strength I think I have gained from this project is my typographic pairing, although I used type quite often I usually stay away from serif font's and I think by experimenting an incorporating juxtaposing font's added a alternative visual value.

Lastly I think a strength of mine is to always think of how to make a brief stand out or different, I think that by myself and Sam creating physical mock ups for our presentation was something no-one else did and gave a interactional and real life element to our project.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I think the weaknesses in this brief concept development, although we had quick turn around I think if myself and sam had more time we really could have pushed this a lot further. 

Workshops like laser cutting were not available at the time for us to create the exact design we wanted also, but from the feedback and reflecting on the brief I definitely think we could have spent more time researching and building our concept more!

However for the time in which we had, we thought we should focus on something minimal and simplistic that would work for longevity.

Identify things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Do more concept building and design developments for future pitches! I think sometimes having a one idea but in different sizes would have been beneficial even if the design wasn't completed finished. 

I definitely want to ask more visiting professionals for one on one feedback as I think for this brief it was beneficial to see where we went what and what we would of considered, and the comments from Lee is something I will take on in the future for design work and pitches.

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