Tuesday 28 May 2013


1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

This moduel has enabled me to see the different avenues graphic design has to offer. Due to only doing 1 AS level I didn't really have the opportunity to learn about what the practice really entails and it has effectively helped me develop as a designer and where I want to go. 

I also have learn how to evaluate and critises peoples work and my own, this has been really beneficial to me as I have extended my vocabulary and learnt how to give honest and  knowledgable feedback. 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

The year has really changed and challenged me as a learner, an individual and as a designer. Reflecting on the work previous to the course and in the first few months has really shown me how far i've come. Not only that but I now know specifically what drives me as a designer. 

The workshops have enabled me to see what influences me, who I am and where I want to be which has been a major driving force in keeping me motivated. I have become more confident, self sufficiant and also more engaged when it comes to private study and working within groups.

I have learnt so many things this year both in design and about myself as a person which comes hand in hand on this course. My knowledge behind software, terminology and graphic design has significantly increased and I have felt I've come a long way as a designer.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I believe my strengths lie within type, image and editorial, I will capitalised on these pver the summer by continually practicing in my spare time and researching further in more magazines I likes, which are underground fashion and music.

I think I also have a strength in communication as a designer, I think i've aquired more confidence in talking to people and networking which has been beneficial in previous modules and will continue to do so to create contacts.

A strength of mine is the capability to experiment with different methods and designs. I liked to take risks as a designer and if I make a mistake I can take it as a lesson learnt and not something to dwell over.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

A weakness of mine I would say is the final production of my work I think I'm not very good at assembling my work and how it looked digitally sometimes comes out not the way I intended when printed. I think due to me being stressed I need to take time to focus and take things at a slower pace.

I also have difficulty in illustration and I think thats why I don't like to develop a lot of thumbnails because they look messy. I think is something I just need to keep practicing.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

To attend all sessions so I don’t miss workshops and important information and advice.

To be more critical on work I have looked at and sourced because it will enable me to improve my feedback and analytical skills further.

Look further into design blogs, studios and look at a variety of magazines to expand  knowledge on layout, grid, structure, type. This will enabled me again to experiment with different method until I find something I like and can work with.

To keep up to date with blogging all crits, feedback from every module and studios tasks. This is a really important module in the development of me as a designer as it will allow me to reflect on what I need to improve on.

To be less stressed about deadlines and work in being more organised and up to date with my time keeping.

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