Tuesday 15 October 2013


To develop an integrated understanding of the practical and professional concerns of individual creative practices.

To encourage an investigation of the personal, professional, innovative and entrepreneurial aspects of external creative industries and communities of practice.
To establish an increasingly independent understanding of the practical and contextual location of individual creative ambitions through sustained approaches to research and investigation.To develop higher level communication skills through programme specific practical and contextual research, development and presentation.

5A3 - Demonstrate an informed understanding of the professional context of their practice within the creative industries and cultural environment. 
5B2 – Identify and analyse the challenges and opportunities offered by future developments within individually appropriate areas of creative practice.
5C2 - Develop a body of work in response to a defined brief that effectively demonstrates an awareness of their own practice in relation to others.
4. 5D2 – Employ a range of appropriate professional communication methods to record and present their own creative practice, concerns and ambitions

Students will continue to employ a range of research skills to develop an understanding of the critical, contextual and ethical dimensions of the creative industries and the external cultural environment.

Indicative content for this module may include: 
  • The application of Copyright and Licensing law to their own practice
  • Marketing principles
  • Market analysis
  • Audience identification
  • Effective Marketing Communications
  • Enter external competitions
  • Respond to externally set briefs and commissions
  • Networking to develop their interpersonal communications in professional contexts
  • Provide students with an understanding of career options available to them upon graduation
  • Awareness of the requirements to prepare for self-employment or freelance working
  • Level 6 planning
  • Marketing plan
  • Practical and technical skills

Throughout this module you will build a reflective blog that responds to issues presented to you in a series of lecures, seminars, workshops and set study tasks. The focus of your responses should be your own development as a creative practitioner and should be informed by increasingly independent and pro-active research in to professional practice and the creative industries. As the module progresses you will develop a vision of yourself as a creative practitioner, emerging professional and collaborator within incresingly relevant communities of practice.
It is important to see this brief as starting point for an ongoing and increasingly individual/independent enquiry that underpins your studio practice. Your approach to this brief in relation to the rest of your work. should be distinct enough to allow for a sufficient level of objective reflection but integrated enough to maintain relevance to your practical work. The brief is in three parts that will run concurrently throughout the year.
STUDIO BRIEF 1 - A DESIGN STRATEGY - You will be supported in planning, undertaking, recording and responding to a range of personal and professional research activities that will inform your own personal reflections on your progress and emerging ambitions as a greative professional. You should use this brief to  draw together examples of contemporary design practice and relate them to the development of your own work and opportunities for professional research and/or studio visits.Your responses to set task and individual research should form regular postings to your PPP blog and will be summarised at the end of the academic year through the delivery of an assessed oral presentation to your Peers. See Studio Brief 2 for further information. and details relating to study tasks, submission formats and deadlines.
STUDIO BRIEF 2 - A DESIGN PRESENCE. This brief will support the development of your own personal branding, promotional material and professional online presence. You will be required to deign produce and present a promotional package the communicates your skills, abilities creative concerns and professional competencies to appropriate sectors of the creative and cultural industries. See Studio Brief 2 for further information. and details relating to study tasks, submission formats and deadlines.
STUDIO BRIEF 3 - LIFE'S A PITCHThis brief will explore the structure and context of organisations in the creative industries. It will also outline some of the laws and processes involved in running a small to medium sized creative business. You will explore the basics of how to identify and define the market, the legal and financial obligations of maintaining a creative practice, where to look for professional support/advice as well as how to plan and control finances. See Studio Brief 3 for further information. and details relating to study tasks, submission formats and deadlines.
Each of these elements should be seen as interrelated and reflect a growing independence and ability to make decisions from an increasingly informed position. You will be briefed separately on each element. It is important that you keep your PPP blog up to date as they will offer yourself, your peers and the programme team an insight into your indvidual progress and ambitions.

Good: An Introduction to Ethics in Graphic Design. - L Roberts - AVA Publishing
This Means That. That Means That. - S. Hall - Laurence King Publishing
Visual Communication: From Theory Into Practice - J. Baldwin, L. Roberts - AVA Publishing
Thinking With Type - E. Lupton - Princeton Architectural Press
The Production Manual - G. Ambrose, Paul Harris - AVA Publishing
HTMAL & CSS Standard Solutions: A web Standardistas Approach - C. Murphy, N. Persson - Friends of Ed
The Art of Looking Sideways - A. Fletcher - Phaidon Press


BASELINE                           www.baselinemagazine.com
BLUEPRINT                         www.blueprintmagazine.co.uk
COMPUTER ARTS               www.computerarts.co.uk
CREATIVE REVIEW             www.creativereview.co.uk
THE DESIGNER JOURNAL   www.bergpublishers.com
ÉMIGRÉ                               www.emigre.com
EYE                                     www.eyemagazine.com
GRAFIK                                www.grafikmag.com




PPP Blog. demonstrating a range of approaches to sourcing, analysing and evaluating a breadth of professional/industrial research appropriate to the development of your practical work and professional ambitions. Your Design Context Blog should provide a provide a thorough, consistent and organised record of your research into contemporary creative practice, professional concerns and issues relating to audience, context and function

INDIVIDUAL DESIGN PRESENCE. - demonstrating the ability to identify, reseach and present successful practical solutions to your own online printbased brand, identity and presence

ORAL PRESENTATION. - demonstrating your ability to communicate reflective observations on your own work and design practice in relation to appropriate professional conexts and practices.

DEADLINE: 15th May

This year is about getting yourself out there, interacting, networking, exhibitions and studio visits!

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