Friday 7 March 2014


Today's session we will be looking into things that we need to consider and make initial idea's on for the upcoming group work. Below are some of the questions we have to consider.

  • What is the nature of your business?
  • Where will you work from?
  • What MUST you consider?
  • Who is your intended market area?
  • Are you a sole trader?
  • A partnership / CooP?
  • A Limited Liability Company?
  • A Limited Company?
  • Working from home?
  • From a start up organisation?
  • Renting office space?
  • Within another Studio (Desk Space)?
  • What will you charge?
  • What liabilities do you incur?
  • What financial things must you keep?
  • What records must you keep?

These areas will need to be research and document everything onto your blog. The deadline is the 25th march for the group presentations. 

You will need to get together on a regular basis, so make sure ALL members of your business pull their weight. If they don't. Blog it. AND /OR if necessary you can fire them!

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