Thursday 3 October 2013


To start my list I looked again at what I put in my presentation to see if they were still relevant and my comments from past briefs on what I needed to work on for level 5. I then thought about the research I had collated which shaped what I wanted to achieve this year and the processes I didn't experience.

10 things I want to achieve

  • How to create professional and a more refined style of digital type.
  • To grasp a better understanding of layout and composition and apply it to my work, specifically in editorials.
  • To experiment with photography in my designs
  • To analyse and research my briefs in a clear and systematic way
  • To expand upon my development work, so that I can create more outcomes
  • Develop my skills extensively on Adobe software and expand my technical skills so that my concepts look more professional.
  • How to create professional and working websites on Dreamweaver
  • To experiment and learn more about packaging, cutting and folding techniques.
  • To experiment with more materials and techniques in my designs e.g foiling, lazer cut.
  • To be more organised when it comes to an execution of a brief, so that I can create the out come I initially entailed.

How I will do this

  • Look at online tutorials and experiment with methods of digital type on Adobe. 
  • Research into books that show tutorials on how to work with certain layouts and apply those skills to future work. Also look at blogs and physical examples of interesting layouts and compositions that could influence my work.
  • I have purchased a new camera so that I could do this and also to take advantage of university facilities such as the photography suit and experiment with lighting and backgrounds.
  • To make a research plan so that my work is relevant, clear and concise.
  • To not throw away any of my outcomes even if they don't look amazing because they are apart of my process, and to limit myself to at least 20 sketches of possible outcomes.
  • In order to do this I will look at online tutorials again, possibly sign up to computer arts magazine, ask for advice form the technicians and most of all practice!
  • Focus on workshops introduced in university, and also because it's a personal interest I will have to go the extra mile to find out more features of how to design for websites weather that be with online tutorials or asking for advice.
  • Research into books that show tutorials on how to work with these methods and apply those skills to future work. Also look at blogs and physical examples of interesting packaging  and folding techniques that could influence my work.
  • To sign up to workshops that provide this practice.
  • To keep my idea's realistic within the time frame I am given and to keep constantly updating, my blog, booking relevant print slots and workshops to execute the final product.

I enjoyed setting myself goals to achieve this year, as it gives me an opportunity before entering my last year to develop my skills as a designer. With the spare time I have during or after briefs I would like to take advantage of doing workshops and tutorials.

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