Friday 8 November 2013


For the second part of Johns seminar, I had arranged to do some laser cutting for my design for print project. However John sent out an email of influential video's to watch. 
Hi all,
These are some of the presentation videos I showed you over the last two sessions. The reason I have shown them, is to illustrate that being a creative is  'more' of everything in creative thought. Imagination and application can manifest the creative outcome in any way you can dream of. These people seem special, only because they expand the realms of possibility and create their own 'fields of dreams'

The design Indaba, video's were really inspiring to watch as every concept that was presented was completely original and unique. Watching these video's makes me as a designer want to experiment further with more interactive fields in design and creating more that just an image like the musical strings in the second video.

I also like the way some of the designers presented their work, being clear, concise and confident. I remember John said that you have to make a 'show' when delivering your concepts or final idea's because that's what keeps people interested.


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