Thursday, 1 May 2014


After identifying a colour pallet and logotype, I really wanted to incorporated a pattern into my design as I had discovered in my visual identity research. I felt that the use of pattern really broke up the design and added a little extra to the overall visual aesthetic.

For my pattern I initially wanted to create an apostrophe style pattern, but didn't want it to replicated speech marks. So I decided to experiment with a more geometric style pattern that I had used in previous project using the texture pallet in Illustrator. 

I scaled the design to make it more spread out and less overbearing until I found a consistent pattern that I could work with.

Finally I came with with this pattern as my final design, I felt it replicated a sense of chaos, eccentricity and somewhat represented the apostrophe in my name and felt that this would be a good addition design feature in my work to break it up.

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