Thursday, 1 May 2014


When considering colour I wanted to use something that was quite bold and sophisticated. In other modules I have used really bright primary colours so for my branding I wanted to make a change with this a use some pastel tones, to show variety. I knew initially that I wanted to work with black and white to balance out the colour so I researched into colour pallets that  I could potentially use.

I went onto design seeds and looked at a range of pre-defined colour pallets that I could use, focusing on mineral and pastel tones.

From the colours I picked out there was a strong influence of pale pinks in my choices, I felt that pale pink exuded a sense of femininity and sophistication and would be a colour I will consider in the development of my branding.

To see if this would work in branding I further developed my logo by experimenting with a multitude of pale pink coloured backgrounds to see if it would work.

C: 5% M: 27% Y: 32% K: 0% 

C: 5% M: 22% Y: 18% K: 0% 

C: 0% M: 36% Y: 28% K: 0% 

C: 3% M: 20% Y: 13% K: 0% 

C: 3% M: 17% Y: 12% K: 0% 

From all my developments I found that the final colour experiment worked best with my branding and decided to use this as the main colour for my design. I think that by choosing a pastel colour it not reflects what I wanted it toe previously but also creates a calming quality and will not overbore the rest of my design ideas.

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